Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dual Bone Grafting by Dr. Mihai Dorobantu

So, the dual dental bone grafting operations were performed on me by Dr. Mihai Dorobantu at Office Dent, Ploiesti.
People who have been without teeth for a prolonged period of time may not have enough bone left (as it happened to me) so, in order to get dental implants (in December 2011), I must have had these two bone grafting operations (in order to restore the area of missing teeth). Dental implants require bones underneath them for support and to have the implant integrate properly into the mouth.

In my case, bone was taken from my own chin and inserted into my mouth, on both right and left lower sides. Also, approximate 1.5 grams of artificial bone was also used beside my own bone being transplanted from my chin.
The operation lasted 3 hours and was performed by Dr. Mihai Dorobantu, supported by a anesthesiologist (Dr. Raluca P.). So, Dr. Dorobantu's dental expertise and my physician-assisted intravenous sedation ATI were just the beginning...He was also assisted by Dr. Cristian Nicolae (and I think...Petra, the assisstant). Dr. Raluca Draghici was also all times. My mother was waiting outside...most likely praying for me :).
My very personal opinion on the surgery:

Says a lot when you can trust somebody to make a transplant, add dental bone and then put titanium screws in your jaw in order to secure the new bone additions.

Dr. Dorobantu tried to completely rebuilt my inferior dental bones and gave me all my options for each procedure. He was also so reassuring and gentle when I came off the sedation. I now understand why he is on top of his profession.

He is by far the most skilled dental surgeon I have been to. Throughout my entire operation he had a calming presence (and I can say the absolute same about Dr. Nicolae too) and they were both very conscious of my pain threshold- always "freezing" me appropriately so I don't feel any pain at all.

I am now three days post-operatory and although my jaw is still swollen and my bruises are very visible, I have great hopes that the healing is already happening and that soon I will be seeing my doctors again.
Back to the day of the surgery:

After the dental bone surgery I was sent home (once again, with Andrei, who drove so carefully trying not to create more discomfort that I was already feeling) with precise orders regarding taking some medicine for the following few days: antibiotics (Augmentin), anti-inflammatory (Arcoxia), a mild pain killer (Algocalmin), Corsodyl mouthwash, cream for the bruises (Hepathrombin) and a bucofaringian spray-Hexoral that I was supposed to spray on the stitches (spread in all three areas of my mouth-chin and right and left lower sides).

The post-surgery pain was considerable in the following few hours (but handled well with some Algocalmin) and then it subsided in the following days to just a level of discomfort. The bothering part is the swollen jaw (I feel like I am channelling Jay Leno now :) and the fact that I can’t open my mouth too much so eating is really hard (and I am getting sick already of sipping my soup out of a glass). But over all, this whole experience was not as scary or as painful as I thought...although...very very uncomfortable.
So, today, in my third day post-surgery, I can see the bruises lowering onto my neck and some swollen area “falling” also onto my neck...Is it normal, is is part of the healing?

I absolutely hope so...