Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Titanium Implants and Sinus Liftings

So, it's been a month since I've returned from Romania. That's right, my second dental trip to Romania (at Office Dent, Ploiesti) was once again, a success. I'm only updating this blog now because between the operations, my return to Canada and the winter holidays spent with my family... I rarely had a free moment to breath.

So, for the end of November and most of December 2011, I was in Romania. I underwent a few more surgical dental procedures at Office Dent: titanium implants with artificial bone grafting, open sinus lifting and a closed sinus lifting. The result so far? Great, despite the few terrible days post-operations during which my head resembled a bruised...watermelon.

And yes, I was very scared of the "horror stories" I heard or read out there-on the Internet- regarding these dental procedures (ex: possible side effects of the titanium implants, galvanic toxicity created when the metal in your mouth reacts with your saliva, metal taste in your mouth, insomnia, skin rushes, possible mouth herpes, muscle pain, all sorts of pain, etc, etc).

Once again, Dr. Raluca Draghici and Dr. Dorobantu (and the rest of their amazing professional team) put all my fears to rest and to date, I haven't experienced any of these side effects. Hopefully this will be my reality for the rest of my life (and yes, I will stop reading those negative forums where people bicker about "possible side effects of titanium implants").

To date, I am ok; no pain, my gums (and sinus) are still healing and in about 6 months time I would fly back to Romania for the final result: the final fitting of my new zirconiums on implants and, hopefully, a better dental health...overall.

Once again I have not enough words to express my gratitude to these amazing professionals at the Office Dent. Because of them, I still believe there is life (And smiles) after terrible dental pain, tooth loss, dental bone loss and such unfortunate problems.

Thanks, Office Dent! See you again in the summer time!